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Valle Lavizzara: on Vallemagia Region, go to Mogno to visit the modern church(architect Mario Botta)

Updated: Aug 17, 2020

GPS: Fusio

Drive from Brissago to Locarno, to Vallemaggia, pass village of Cevio, then in a few km turn right on to the road that climbs to Mogno and Fusio.

The drive from Brissago to Mogno takes about 1 hour and is about 50 km. See map here.

The church story: In April 1986 an avalanche destroyed the old church from the village of Mogno. The Swiss star architect Mario Botta was commissioned to build a new church. He came up with a controversial project that is well known in the architecture literature.

Driving Map

The driving is very pleaseant until you get to . Then it starts to climb on small curving road towards Mogno.

Mario's Botta Church

Visit the small village of Mogno with intersting houses.

Go walk or drive to Fusio.

Fusio is at the end of the valley, a pitoresque village where the architect Dazio did renovate multiple old houses into new bijoux.

You can drive also above Fusion on the east side of lake "Lago del Sambuco", pass the dam and go up in the Apls.

Also a very nice hike on Valle Lavizzara is well documented in Mogno-Fusio:


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